Quiz form

quiz 01 1

Do you want to know how much you are VC-ready? And what is the chance for you to raise funds?

Just fill out the form below and you will receive the results
by email.  

1. Is your business addressing a problem for a niche market? Are there enough statistics to support your argument?
2. What is the status of your product?
3. Do you think your technology is up-to-date and has an edge over competitors?
4. Do you think the demand for your products and services will grow in the next 5 years?
5. What is the status of the founders?
6. Do you know the principal risks to your business?
7. Do you have a strategic plan for your business?
8. Do you know what documents should be prepared for investors? Or have you ever prepared a pitch deck or financial model for your business before?
9. Have you outlined how you plan to spend the funds you will ask investors for?
10. Do you know which types of funding are more suitable for your business?
Company Name(Required)
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